My project began as simply choosing to re-read the novel, Wuthering Heights, and I remembered that much of the language around relationship, family, child rearing, or romantic attachment is not relatable to a modern reader; sometimes it’s unclear what’s happening in these chapters. So, I wanted to look at the issues around dysfunctional families and romantic obsession in Victorian culture that have been stricken from the modern view of psychological health, especially for young people. I began the process of translating, through research on Victorian English and Yorkshire dialogue, each word and phrase that required a modern understanding and accurate analogies.

Sourland paints a realistic view of mid-century American rural society while also adding magical elements, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. By adding supernatural phenomena in an otherwise mundane setting, a union of the real and the magical is created, just as Bronte did in her classic tale. It follows 6 year olds, Caroline Earnst and Hadley Moore from their meeting in 1967 to the very end of their lives. The Sourland Mountain of New Jersey, an isolated place long thought to be haunted, makes a perfect setting for Victorian gothic homage. Behind the novel’s standalone value, it is a study in Victorian vs. modern societies for those familiar with Bronte’s story.

Having said that, certain scenes, which were not meant to be magical in Bronte’s story, e.g., Heathcliff’s attempt at exhuming Catherine’s body in the graveyard, or instructing the sexton to have his coffin side removed along with Catherine’s opposing side, so that their bodies could rot and mix together, presented a modern day impossibility. In scenes like those, in order not to lose their psychological impact, I converted them to dream sequences.

I think “retellings” can open up literature from the past. We can get people who don’t have access to learning 18th century Yorkshire and Victorian English thinking about what Emily Bronte can tell us about our own culture and inform our current moment.

In my retelling of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, I take the author’s interest in familial abuse, violence, and obsession, and make it understandable to a contemporary audience. I explore the novel’s significance and the challenge of translating child neglect and emotional and physical violence from her Victorian world to the present day, hoping to also impart historical empathy to those who are familiar with her work.

I wanted to be analogous with her depictions of violence; and be very careful with the language of the body because Emily Bronte is so interested in physical appearances and how they reflect inward character and moral traits. The way that she connects the body of each character with power, apathy, jealousy, kindness, despair—that is all very interesting to me.

When the text uses words and phrases whose use and definitions have changed in modern American English, I didn’t want to use her original terms. One small example is how Bronte uses “wink,” which does not mean the same thing as “wink” means to us; it means to turn a blind eye—changing her scene’s meaning, considerably, for a modern reader.

For example, translating the ravings of Yorky Joseph in Wuthering Heights to Victorian English was the first step; converting that to mid-century American English spoken by Sourland’s Joe was the next.

~ “I wer sure he'd sarve ye out! He's a grand lad! He's getten t' raight sperrit in him! He knaws—ay, he knaws, as weel as I do, who sud be t' maister yonder—Ech, ech, ech! He made ye skift properly! Ech, ech, ech!"

~ “I was sure he'd teach you a lesson! He's a grand lad! He's getting the right spirit in him! He knows—yes, he knows, as well as I do who should be the master yonder—Ech, ech, ech! He made you shift properly! Ech, ech, ech!"

~ “I was sure he'd teach you a lesson! He's a good kid! He's got the right attitude! He knows—yes, he knows, as well as I do who should be the rightful owner here—Ha! He made you move fast! Ha!"

Readers and Victorian Studies students often cite examples of violence and cruelty in the original novel, such as a young boy’s hanging of puppies. But, this was not a description of violence; it simply set a scene for the reader. Drowning, hanging, and shooting were the only methods 18th century people had to control animal populations, especially in a remote rural farm setting like Wuthering Heights. Although Bronte certainly used this detail to set the mood of a scene, she was not ascribing cruelty or sadistic behavior on the part of the actor, which is how it is commonly interpreted by readers today. Assigning the task to a child may be her commentary, but that is all. These are the parts where analogy is critical to maintain the scene and message. In Sourland my character boxes the puppies for transport to a shelter, because to do otherwise in a modern environment would be cruel and violent. Without analogy to reflect contemporary norms, the distractions of past cultural behaviors can destroy the spirit of her book, affecting how her characters are understood and judged.

Emily Bronte gets readers thinking the most about questions of their own emotional reactions and cultural moment. We’re still defined by relationship; we’re still wrestling with many of the same questions about gender and power. She’s also concerned with many of the same questions we are. For example, how does violence, betrayal, or degradation change us? She’s interested in the psychology of trauma.

In Sourland, readers experience the power of forgiveness and how forgiveness can be used as a healing device, a way of reasserting control over our own lives. These are universal human experiences.

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